Faithful Fools Spring Appeal 2024
Words of Wisdom, Insight, and Engagement for you
"May the strength of the wind and the light of the sun,
The softness of the rain and the mystery of the moon
Reach you and fill you.
May beauty delight you and happiness uplift you,
May wonder fulfill you and love surround you."
- Traditional Celtic Blessing
Over the years, we Fools have been gifted little slips of paper and when we unfolded them, the words of wisdom, insight, and blessing lightened our load. When friends gift us this way, we are reminded that sometimes what the world (and the people in it) needs is simple encouragement. We are reminded of the remarkable power of wisdom, insight, and blessing. This spring, we have been mailing or handing friends near and far a bundle of folded paper with a variety of sayings in hopes of these seeds being planted to inspire many.
You are invited to join us in gifting the people you love (and people you don’t know) with these folds - reach out to us if you would like to get a bundle of folds from us, or perhaps curate your own to share! You can send us an email at or fill in your information in our subscribe page:
We are grateful to each of you for being a wellspring of hope and encouragement for us Faithful Fools and the communities around us. Your donations and gifts of time and talents, and your words of support and encouragement keep us strong as we do what is asked of us by our community and events in the larger world. You are part of this work too.
*** About us
Faithful Fools is a diverse community. We come from all walks of life but we share in common the belief that each human being has incredible worth.
Our Mission Statement says, "We seek to meet people where they are through the arts, education, advocacy, and accompaniment." Each of our programs is based in one of these four spheres of activity. All of our activities and programs serve to create and build relationships.