Hy Carrel's Fundraiser

Support the work of Faithful Fools and join us on a Street Retreat!
Donate or help fundraise
I first encountered the Faithful Fools in early 2014 as I was trying to learn how to become part of positive change in my community. The Fools have been a positive part of my every step since then.
As I think about who I want to be in Buffalo, it is someone who brings a Foolish approach:
- Pay attention. Really listen. Be present.
- Be aware of our judgments.
- Acknowledge each human's incredible worth.
- Shatter myths about those living in poverty.
- Discover on the streets our common humanity!
Please join me in financially supporting the work of the Faithful Fools - no amount is too small, every penny counts!
Along with donating, you are invited to join in any of our walk ‘n roll events. On Saturday October 23 at 9am, Nicole and I will be leading A Buffalo Street Retreat.
Thank you for your generosity!
"I don't believe in charity. I believe in solidarity. Charity is so vertical. It goes from the top to the bottom. Solidarity is horizontal. It respects the other person. I have a lot to learn from other people." - Eduardo Galeano (journalist, writer, historian)