Christie Billups's Fundraiser

Walk ‘n Roll with us and support the work of Faithful Fools!
Donate to keep me motivated AND/OR Make your own plan to walk
Join me in supporting the Walk ‘n Roll in Solidarity, a fundraiser to benefit the dynamic street-level community work of Faithful Fools. At the heart of their work is honoring the worth of every being who all deserve housing, food, healthcare, education, along with respectful and supportive relationships. This fundraiser is a way of saying YES to life and doing so together.
I’m participating because:
- I believe that the work of the Faithful Fools is inspiring and deserving of our solidarity and resources.
- Carmen is one of my best friends in the world, and I'm so very grateful to have spent (so far) 33 of her 60 years of rotating the sun in friendship. (She is not a moon or satellite, but she shines very brightly.)
- I've gotten into walking during the good ole' pandemic (like so many others), and I like the idea of putting my miles to good use. I pledge to walk at least 60 miles between now and Carmen's birthday on October 28th.
Add your financial support to mine - no amount is too small, every penny counts!
Along with donating, you are invited to join in any of the Faithful Fools' walk ‘n roll events. There are events in San Francisco where the Fools are located, and small events in other locations as well. I'd be open to walking with anyone in the Chicago area but won't be planning anything major. Just walkin'!
Thank you for your generosity and solidarity!
"I don't believe in charity. I believe in solidarity. Charity is so vertical. It goes from the top to the bottom. Solidarity is horizontal. It respects the other person. I have a lot to learn from other people." - Eduardo Galeano (journalist, writer, historian)